The Adventures of Joshua Judson Rosen
(action man)

[ sections: VisualIDs | art | movies | everything ]

Tue, 17 Jun 2008

09:30: *My* VisualIDs

I'm trying to put together a demo-collection of the VisualIDs that I've generated, because they look a good deal different than the ones shown in the essay. I'm not sure how to present them all..., but here's a go:

I've hacked my GNOME icon-theme so that, in addition to the usual sources, it also pulls icons from a preliminary VisualID-cache. The 'cache' is populated manually, by copying in the VisualIDs that I got by running make test (which generates a tree of SVG files that mirrors the code-files in my VisualID source-tree)--I still haven't quite figured out how to hook automatic VisualID-generation into Nautilus..., but I at least get a believable demo:

There's that turtle, at the bottom.

And take note of the 'README' and 'src' icons--those are classes of files that tend to show up all over the place....
