The Adventures of Joshua Judson Rosen
(action man)

[ sections: VisualIDs | art | movies | everything ]

Mon, 28 Jul 2008

23:59: Similar VisualIDs for similarly-significant files

I've finally started-in on implementing the `similar icons for similar files' logic--so far, I've got the weighted-least-common-substring logic working, which searches through the (ever-growing) cache of VisualIDs for a base-icon. I haven't worked out a system for `mutators' yet, so sufficiently-similar names actually result in the /same/ icon..., but it's getting to be quite a nice demo.

Oh--I've also implemented the `around a shape' and `relaxed inside', and `along a path' generators. The presence of these additional options means that all of my icons have changed. Alas--it's no longer generating turtles. It /is/ generating other interesting things, though.

I think that, before I call it `done', I'm going to want to add some way for the user to specify constraints for which generators are used, and how the random selection of generators should be weighted.

In the mean time, here's another (updated) screenshot:
